Tag: Experiences

Soul Spring-Cleaning

Helen normally loved spring-cleaning, the fragrance of freshly laundered curtains, sparkling windows and gleaming floors. But today, with a heavy heart, she tipped out her dresser drawer and sorted. It...

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You will find all my audiobooks in my portfolio section. To purchase simply go to Audible.com or Amazon.com and type in search Christine Sherborne. https://colourstory.com/portfolio/ Here are some reviews –...

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Know Thyself – Socrates

These famous words spoken by Socrates many years ago are still relevant and useful today. Let me ask you this. How well do you really know yourself? Are you aware...

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Make no Little Plans

Make no Little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably them-selves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that...

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