Tag: Family

Four Ways to Greater Happiness

Recently I read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and found so many gems of knowledge I immediately felt I should share. I was so impressed by these four...

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Soul Spring-Cleaning

Helen normally loved spring-cleaning, the fragrance of freshly laundered curtains, sparkling windows and gleaming floors. But today, with a heavy heart, she tipped out her dresser drawer and sorted. It...

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You will find all my audiobooks in my portfolio section. To purchase simply go to Audible.com or Amazon.com and type in search Christine Sherborne. https://colourstory.com/portfolio/ Here are some reviews –...

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Want a Great relationship with your children?

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”                                                                Prov 22:6 Most of a child’s future is...

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