Tag: Health

Soul Spring-Cleaning

Helen normally loved spring-cleaning, the fragrance of freshly laundered curtains, sparkling windows and gleaming floors. But today, with a heavy heart, she tipped out her dresser drawer and sorted. It...

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When Life’s Unfair

Everyone’s life is a series of ups and downs, of valleys and mountain tops. We think if we do all what’s right, all will be well, but the truth is...

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You will find all my audiobooks in my portfolio section. To purchase simply go to Audible.com or Amazon.com and type in search Christine Sherborne. https://colourstory.com/portfolio/ Here are some reviews –...

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Do you Love Yourself?

Do you love yourself, or is your self-esteem damaged? Are you self-defensive, with a get them before they get me attitude? Do you look at your reflection in a store...

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