Tag: thoughts

Do you Love Yourself?

Do you love yourself, or is your self-esteem damaged? Are you self-defensive, with a get them before they get me attitude? Do you look at your reflection in a store...

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Know Thyself – Socrates

These famous words spoken by Socrates many years ago are still relevant and useful today. Let me ask you this. How well do you really know yourself? Are you aware...

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Understanding the Art of Allowing

Over the last couple of days, I have been listening to ‘The Astonishing Power of Emotions’ by Esther and Jerry Hicks and had an amazing revelation. Like me, perhaps you’ve...

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Early Hour Terror Thoughts

Terror thought attacks occur around three in the morning. You wake in a sweat, stare at the ceiling as fearful thoughts race through your mind. This is the time when...

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