Category: Articles

Spiritual Protection for your Home

Harmful energy can enter your home through visitors or objects. You don’t always know a person well enough to know if they have a negative spirit or negative vibration attached...

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Negative Energy

Everything in the world is energy of one sort or another as scientific evidence now shows. Positive emotions produce a high frequency vibration and negative emotions produce a low frequency...

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Sowing & Reaping

“Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.”                                                                                        Jean De La Fontaine The law of sowing and reaping governs all areas of your life....

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Physical Protection

How aware are you? Unfortunately life is fragile and in ways you don’t expect. The news reports muggings, assault, home invasions, and just being in the wrong place at the...

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Attitude! Does it Matter?

You build attitudes from all your life experiences. Some serve you well and other do not. Often your attitude can limit you, especially if you act mindlessly. By being aware...

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Affecting other People

We’ll all aware of how people affect us, but have you considered the affect you have on others? You know people who have adversely affected you throughout your life, by...

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Experiences Versus Materialism

What’s significant to you, a costly gadget or an unusual exotic vacation? Are you materialistic or do you prefer to fill your life with thought-provoking experiences? Did you know people...

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